Toyota Kata: The Secret Sauce of Lean by Conrad Soltero

Whether your organization is on a lean journey or planning one, aligning management and the workforce with understanding and acceptance can be a challenge. Lean promises shortened lead times, less waste, and more productive operations. But for many companies the results achieved have fallen short. There is growing consensus in the lean community that a … Read more

The Power of Scientific Thinking in an AI World by Conrad Soltero

Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Additive Manufacturing – it’s a brave new world. Business leaders are focused on high tech and emerging markets. Innovation and automation seem to be the name of the game. Does that mean if your company is not “in” any of these trends, you’ll soon be “out” of business? Perhaps AI and robotics … Read more

Can I Trust My Measurement System? Part 3 – Case Studies

In our February blog we provided an overview of Measurement System Analysis for continuous data. Specifically, we explained the TMAC approach to plan and conduct a Gage R&R Study.  Then in our March blog we discussed how to interpret the output from a Gage R&R Study. In addition, we shared insights on how to fix … Read more

Can I Trust My Measurement System? Part 1

TMAC customers contact us periodically to help assess their measurement system. Past examples include a tier-1 supplier for the automotive industry, a tier-1 supplier for a telecommunication company, and a paper manufacturer. A current customer in the healthcare industry is launching a new product and would like to know if their measurement system is reliable. What … Read more

Effective Project Management

Ever wonder what are the most important keys to project success?  From my experience it boils down to two things: Management Buy-In and Effective Project Management.  The former, Management Buy-In, is environment dependent and outside the scope of this article. However, it has been covered in previous blogs such as this one by my colleague … Read more